
The name is Nathan Pedde. I am 30 something-year-old novelist that is currently working on becoming a published, successful author. I have a variety of novels on the go from sci-fi, to fantasy. As well as a couple horror projects.

The most exciting project that I am working on is a middle-grade sci-fi with my co-author. It is his project, his characters, plot, etc. I am just the monkey putting it into prose. My co-author. Is my seven-year-old son.


Now my five-year-old daughter wants me to write her a story… What have I started? Her story is one of magic, the sea and of gems. All her ideas.

I am also doing NaNoWriMo this year. I originally was going to do a new story idea, but I changed my mind, and I have decided to get my kid projects written so that my illustrator can get some drawings done on them. I will be posting some artwork once it gets done.