The Worlds of Nathan Pedde: Agersolum

Years ago when I first started this journey as a writer and an author, my wife and I started to worldbuild. As a fan of David Eddings, I thought you needed to create a world in its entirety to write a story set in it. Eddings did it, and Tolkien did it. So I figured I needed to do it. I was wrong and my other worlds don’t have the level of worldbuilding as this one, but that is a topic for another time.

This started the journey. My wife and I used to stay up all night creating cultures, religions, magic systems. I drew a map, and we started creating characters. This process took years to do with as much thought to each culture, how they interacted and the stories to be told in them as any story I have written.

But what is Agersolum?

Agersolum is a fantastical world where magic is a gift of the Gods. They use it with the aid of runes tattooed to the body. The cost, as all magic needs a cost, is pain. Everything is painful. Tattooing, casting, and learning all cause pain. Magic users grow high pain tolerances quickly or die as a result.

But the world is much more than a magic system. Each culture, from the Aurrians, Ta’arqians, Ekorians, Mal Kovians, Nahikians all have a different culture, religion, history. They have hates and desires. Things that make stories sing.

Stories set in the world of Agersolum are about the people inhabiting the world. Not all the people living there are good people. There are thieves, swindlers, and smugglers mixed in with soldiers, merchants and nobles. Maybe they are the same people.

I have one series out in the world, with another being written. Felix the Swift is a thief, turned slave, turned Master of Magic. He is called to a higher calling himself as the Gods order him to save magic itself. There are two books published with a third on the way.

The book being written now is Eloc the Bronze Ax. Eloc the serf is conscripted into the Grandanorian King’s Army. He must fight his way for a monarch who had no interest in his well-being, who viewed him as property. There is more to Eloc than meets the eyes to most, as he has a greatness he needs to grow into or risk having the nation fall into ruin.

If you wish to pick up these books, here are the links to the two books out and the pre-order of the third.

This journey is not something I can do alone. It takes support from many people for it to become a reality. The easiest way is to visit my Amazon Author Page and purchase one of my books. They are available in all countries and for free in Kindle Unlimited. I have a tip jar set up at Ko-Fe, where you can buy me a coffee. Or you can also visit me on Facebook. Your help and support are much appreciated.

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